The lineage of Budd medical practitioners in Worcester begins with Herbert Walker Budd, son of George Hayward Budd.

Herbert was born in Seringapatam, India in May 1813, where his father was serving in the Madras Native Infantry. He returned to England in 1818 with his mother Eliza, and soon settled in Worcester where Eliza’s father, Pennell Cole, and brother, Herbert Cole lived. Herbert Cole had earlier entered the medical profession and became the senior surgeon of the Worcester Infirmary (taking over a post earlier held by his father, and before him, his grandfather) and no doubt recommended that the young Herbert Walker take up medicine.

In 1833 Herbert Walker Budd became a student at St Bartholomew's Hospital, and after qualifying began to practise at Worcester about the year 1835, continuing there until his death. In 1853 he was elected Surgeon of the Infirmary, and at the time of his death was Senior Surgeon. He had also held various appointments in and around Worcester, such as the Surgeoncy of the City Gaol. He died at his residence, College Gates, Worcester, on Feb 4th, 1876. Herbert Walker and his wife Jane (he married a cousin, his brother William Hayward’s daughter) had three children: Emily Jane (died a spinster in 1927), Lucy Sherwood (who herself married a doctor) and Herbert Goldingham.

Herbert Goldingham was to continue the medical tradition and became a surgeon at the Worcester Infirmary, like his father. He also served in the 3rd Battalion the Worcester Regiment as Assistant Surgeon. Reconnecting the Coles and the Budds, Herbert Goldingham married Harriet Amy Cole, with whom he had a son, Herbert Hayward Budd. The esteem with which Herbert Goldingham was held can be evidenced in his obituary which appeared in the British Medical Journal in November 1902:

“He was apparently in his usual health on the day of his death, but whilst stooping to put on his boots after breakfast he suddenly fell back and died in a few minutes. His health had not been good since a severe attack of pneumonia about two years ago. He was 58 years of age and was the son of the late Dr Budd, a well-known medical man in Worcester, who also died in a similar manner. He obtained his medical education at Guy’s hospital and became MRCS in 1866 and LRCP in the following year. Mr Budd was honorary Surgeon to the Worcester Infirmary since 1886 and an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee, and Surgeon to the Worcester Ophthalmic Hospital and Dispensary. He was also Surgeon Lieutenant Colonel of the 5th (militia) Battalion (formerly called the 3rd and 4th Battalions) of the Worcestershire Regiment. His fresh complexion, well-knit figure, and military carriage were well known in Worcester, where he was beloved by his patients and greatly respected by all who knew him. He leaves a widow and one son. The funeral took place on November 8th at Atwood Cemetery.”

Herbert Goldingham’s son, Herbert Hayward Budd lived much of his youth with his spinster aunt, Emily (his mother spending much of her life following his birth in mental institutions). No doubt bound in to the medical tradition, he studied at St Mary’s hospital, Paddington. In June 1911, aged 28, he qualified Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery of the Society of Apothecaries (LMSSA). Whilst not quite the medical degree his father gained, it nonetheless marked the beginning of his medical career and the entry of the third generation of Budds into the medical profession. His affectionate title ‘The Doc’ was to stay with him for the remainder of his life.

The Doctors of Worcester

106 High Street Worcester