Henry Hayward Budd was the sixth child of William and Ann, born on 4 January 1784 at Great Missenden, Bucks. He followed in his elder brother Hopewell’s footsteps and joined the Navy on 8 October 1798 as a Volunteer, first class aged only 14. Serving first on the ship Thames, upon reaching the age of 18 he joined his elder brother on the 74-gun Man-of-War, Tigre on the Nile. He was to spend many years alongside his older brother in the Navy - his service was as follows:

Date                                         Event                                                                                                  Remarks

8 Oct 1798                           Joins Thames Volunteer first class (aged 14),                        Mediterranean

24 Jul 1799                          Promoted midshipman                                                              Saw action at Gibraltar 12 Jul 1801 against                                                                                                                                                                Franco-Spanish squadron

29 Jan 1802                        Joins Tigre                                                                                    with Hopewell off Egypt, fighting Bonaparte’s                                                                                                                                                          land forces

23 Sep 1802                       Paid off                                                                                          with Hopewell

12 Mar 1803                       Joins Antelope                                                                              with Hopewell

13 Mar 1804                       Joins Lord Nelson                                                                        with Hopewell

10 Apr 1804                        Rejoins Antelope                                                                         fighting the French and Dutch off Ostend

28 Aug 1805                       Leaves Antelope

Jan 1806                            Joins Pompee                                                                              Hopewell had been on board since Oct 1805

04 Oct 1806                      Joins Aurora                                                                                 acting Lieutenant

25 Mar 1807                      Promoted Lieutenant

13 Jun 1807                       Leaves Aurora

25 Jan 1808                      Joins Erebus                                                                                 fighting the Danish fleet in the Baltic

10 May 1809                     Leaves Erebus

01 Aug 1810                      Rejoins Erebus

31 Mar 1812                       Paid off

10 Jun 1814                      Joins Swinger                                                                                shipping protection off Surinam

15 Aug 1815                      Paid off

29 May 1840                    Joins San Josef                                                                             Gunnery Training ship, Devonport

15 Sep 1842                      Leaves San Josef

26 Jul 1850                       Appointed Commander

Henry married Hopewell’s wife’s sister, Mary Tuckey on 10 February 1809 in Winterbourne Bassett where the Tuckey family then lived. In 1830 his old Captain, Sir Sidney Smith, presented him to the King (William IV). He was clearly athletic - his brother Edward describes him: “I saw him jump the iron Chevaux-de-frise at Greenwich Hospital: he was near five foot nine and the frightful pointed spikes were up to his chin. I have seen him walk under a line and then jump over it.” He lived to be 75 and died on 09 May 1859 whilst living with his oldest sister, Ann (Angell) at Rumsey House, Calne, Wilts. He is buried at St Katherine’s and St Peter’s Church along with his wife Mary and next to his brother Hopewell and his wife (Mary’s sister, Sophia). Henry and Mary had no children.

Commander Henry Hayward Budd R.N.

Henry Budd's Naval record

Siege map of St Jean D'Acre - Henry served on Tigre for this battle